I am so thrilled that other species and their mommies and daddies are interested in these little beasties:) Let me do the role call here so everyone can meet everyone and gain bigger friendships...
Pick me to be your friend! I am Dandelion
No Pick me, I am Waffles
I am the greatest, I am Miss Molly Guard Rat
I am Marble the Zen Master
I am Mama Sugar Mouse
I am Mama Fawn Mouse
I am Baby the Blonde hedgehog and My boyfriend Gerber the Hedgehog
We are Mama Sugars Babies, Blackberry, Lucky, Bessie, Chilla, Nickel, Dime, Tomato
We are mama Fawns babies, Carrot, Beet, Sickle, Junior, Bandit, Smokey, and Moo-Latte
We are Cookie and Muffin Mouse
I am Lucky Mouse
We are Pickles McHushpuppy and Go-Go- Gadget!
Labels: NoMSS friends role call