Monday, May 28, 2007
Momma is a Worry Wort
Well the Vet visit went better then I thought and $200 later I have two prescriptions, and humidifier and a can of immune boost baby formula, plus two healthier rats.

They are to take the medication for 10 days and see the vet again on Monday at 7. She felt good about the diagnosis but feels they may have this issue their whole life since it has started so young. They have the first stages of respiratory infection. The "blood" wasn't blood but a liquid they dispense when ill or stressed. What a relief. Thank you to everyone who e-mailed me and commented me, I'm still worried, but I am a mom and that is what moms do.

Ratty dinner, Dandelion was the sicker of the two so I am glad she is eating a full dinner. Taking the meds is easy too since the pills can be diluted in apple juice and given through a syringe.
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Their energy is up and a moment after the last picture was taken I had a lens full of noses.
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
My girls are sick, I need your prayers.
Waffles and Dandelion began bleeding from the nose, they have always made noises close to chirping but I fear now it was sneezing. The vet opens at 9 and i will call for an emergency visit. My heart is so full of fear and anguish right now, I need prayers, high hopes and good thoughts for them my friends. Thank you and I will let everyone know something when I do.

God, please don't take my babies yet.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Hedgehog Condominium
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I have been running around from both jobs and let me tell you..I am so tired. I did manage however to finish the hedgehog condo building that was in progress in the the kitchen. Both hedgehogs now have their own loft complete with wheel and room of their choice. Gerber opted for the fleece tee-pee, Baby chose the rustic log approach for her den.

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And of course their toys :)

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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Miss Molly has been Tagged!!
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1. I adore Milkbone Dog Biscuits.
2. Even though I bite mommy, I really love her and would attack anyone trying to harm her.
3. I love my tail to be stroked.
4. I have the thousand-yard stare.
5. I sleep in my hammock but am always on guard.
6. Mommy loves my belly and I show it to get treats.
7. I am getting older but I still look better then these new girls in her with me :)

I tag Amelia rat and Chaucer Rat.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007
My Inner Rat

Discover Your Inner Rat

Turn up the heat and pass the body oil, you are a hairless rat.
Take this quiz!

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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Working hard..or Hardly Working?
It has been a whirlwind of a week...I am exhausted and just got off one job and am getting ready to go to another job in a few hours. Even though I have been pulled tight for time, I never miss a chance to capture mice at play.

My little Bandit was born in my home and has never stood out until now. She has put on some weight..alot of weight. She just does not want to exercise now, shes not old, just relaxed I think. I mean what am I gonna do, deny her meals? I don't think so. They are only around for a short time and I want them to live how they want, besides, I am no rail either so I feel a bond between us. Chunk and Chunk Light :)

Bandit on a box and Momma mouse Fawn in the background.
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Bandit next to her Momma.
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My big girl.
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Beet, always noses in on the action.
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Moo-Latte in her wheel.
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